Thursday, May 2, 2024


You guessed it. I’ve had enough of this shit.
This week was a true shitshow from New York to Los Angeles. No more excuses, no more disguising hate speech as free speech, no more indulging these antisemitic shitheads with the complacency they believe they are entitled to. Fucking enough! I remember when this started. The month was October and the day was the seventh. The next day these pricks were all over social media justifying rape and murder, the killing of entire families and the hostage taking, and I remember well the reaction the Palestinians in Gaza had that day, raising their arms to their God in gratitude as Israelis soaked in their own blood were dragged through the streets. Fuck them all. Sorry not sorry. I told you I’ve had enough. This will not end. Brace yourselves.
Any student leader with a couple of working brain cells would have figured out by now the "fight" is over. There is no fight. The minute they stare down the barrel of a shotgun loaded with rubber ammo it's over. They allowed the madness to expand to the point where there is no way to go back to whatever just cause they had in mind, if they ever had one. No more ceasefire, no more peace, no more protest. Time to go home and recycle plastic bottles (95% of which are never recycled, by the way), or grow some balls and go underground. You're not martyrs, you fucktards. You're just clowns. Want to become martyrs, go face the police with a loaded gun in your hand, or shut the fuck up. And stop yelling "You're pointing guns at children" at the police. You're not fucking children, you sick fucks. I am done finding ways to explain your delusions of social justice. You're done.
The day this started I was placing the fucking Palestinian flag (a gift from Mr. Mark Sykes, in case you didn't know, and yes THAT Sykes) next to the Israeli flag. Oh, and a white dove. I added a white dove. I completed my logic with calls for the end of Islamic Jihad influence over the Palestinian Authority and replayed my years old justification for a two state solution. Pretty reasonable stuff, and shit. Well, congratulations to you, dipshits. Fuck the two state solution. Yeah, you did that. There is no way in hell a two state solution is possible in the next 50 years, at least. That's a fucking crack pipe dream. You don't want it. You want a central base in the Mediterranean from where to launch your assault on Europe, in support of the millions of fifth columnists already in place, from Italy to the UK. That's all you want. That Islamic Jihad base is still a fantasy, though. It's called Israel, you sick fucks, and it will stand forever in your way.
These useful idiots are just parroting the genocidal ideology of their puppeteers and that has nothing to do with peace or even fucking Palestine. It's about the extermination of Jews and the destruction of Israel. Nothing else, in the short run. In the long run, the destruction of everything not aligned with their Islamic views. I see these dumbfucks across Europe and the US following their little Islamic handlers like sheep and I shake my head. The last stop of their "heroic struggle" will be a well earned "shower", or a quick bullet in the back of their heads if they are lucky. Same as "the Zionists". They're forgetting that small detail. The struggle they joined is religion based, and its aim is hegemony. It's not lost on me that 90% of these idiots are atheists. That will go real well with their Iranian masters.
Forget about just atheists, you got a whole army of lesbians, gays, transgender, queer, anarchists, Marxists, hell you can think of any group of people the Islamic radicals hate and you'll find them locking arms in support of Islam. How cool is that? I can just see the Christian Fascists eating their hearts out, in complete awe of these puppeteer sick bastards. They really know their shit. They are taking notes, but no worries there. Their "get those who we hate on our side" ship was much smaller, it's already full of stupid hillbillies, and sailed quite some time ago. You really have to hand it to the Muslim Brotherhood. They managed to get almost every single Western progressive idiot on their side, by disguising their religious fanaticism with secular "human rights" clothes. And it worked. Here we are, 40 years later, watching our college students yelling "Intifada" and "Allahu Akbar" in cities across Europe and America. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

I mean, I can sorta see them not understanding what "from the river to the sea" means, but when it comes to the stuff in Arabic, do they think they're like calling for free pizza or something? So, if they understand what "Allahu Akbar" means, maybe they also know what "from the river to the sea" means? Even if they have no clue which river and which sea, come on! They know. They are extremely comfortable with it. One thing I always find revealing in these repeat chants, where you have a "chant director" yelling the lines, pretty common stuff, is the tone. The tone of these "organizers" is similar to a rabid barking, really the opposite of the 60's kumbaya, "this little light of mine", "we shall overcome" peaceful protest stuff. More like hate filled calls for a real global intifada. No quotes. I wasn't surprised either, watching protestors throwing shit at cops at the same time they yelled "Peaceful protest!" at UCLA last night. Smarts are not their thing, obviously.

So here we stand, folks. After days and days of this shit, I really have zero fucks to give any lovey dovey coexist notions. There is no coexist with Nazis and there is no coexist with these Islamic Fascists either. Fuck'em all and the horses they rode on. If the argument is no genocide except your brand of genocide, it's pretty obvious there is no common ground anymore. I promise you I tried, I really did. I can't see a future for a democratic Israel without a free Palestine, but the tragic truth is there will never be a free Palestine as long as radical Islam is in control of it. Not gonna happen. So what's left? Nothing good. The only thing to do now is to push back hard, but not at the expense of our souls. I didn't suddenly became a Smoltrich fan, while he calls for the extermination of all Palestinians, just as I am not buying what our fake right wing allies in America have to sell. Unlike the stupid fucks camping on college grounds I love democracy, so no amount of hate from those who became suicidal in their idiotic protest will turn me into their mirror image. But I am through with these people's antisemitism and Western self loathing guilt complex driven idiocy.

These useful idiots are not children and ignorance is no excuse for criminality. Enough of all this shit. They want us all dead. No hyperbole. The room for discussion about the future of Israel is not here, that's up to the Israelis in the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and all the places they are truly engaged in the fight for THEIR future. They will find a way. As for us, our fight is now about not turning our back on the Lion fighting for us in the Middle East. That's what we can do: show unconditional support for our Jewish sisters and brothers, be it in campuses or anywhere else. We should stand with them now, more than ever. We must not allow October 7th to be forgotten and we must fight for the return of all the hostages to their families, alive or dead. That's the reality we have to face now, as "negotiations" are being held in Egypt while I write these words. Hamas only wants a free pass, the complete retreat of the powerful army posed to destroy them. Yahya Sinwar is said to keep eleven Israeli hostages with him, as the only way to prevent the IDF from taking him out. He will never give them up. He might as well blow his own brains out. He won't. Martyrdom is for his fanatical followers, he has other plans. Those are not happening either, though. He's a walking dead man.

War rages in the Promised Land, once more. It's no longer about peaceful coexistence, and you have got to ask yourself, both looking at Hamas and at their dickhead student sympathizers in America and in Europe, was it ever? For some, yes. For me, yes. For the few Palestinian mothers who truly love their children, yes. For the people of Israel, yes. But there's no way to fix this right now. The only thing we can do is try to save our souls, while recognizing the hard choices ahead, including fucking Rafah that will fall soon. Me, I made my choice, or rather it was made for me, as I understand what I am up against. I hear you, motherfuckers. Loud and clear. And don’t you dare "free Palestine" me. I know what you're really saying, you soulless ghouls. And I have something to say to you too: Fuck you, and fuck your free Palestine. Congrats. Am Yisrael fucking Chai. Akarai!
PS: Sorry, not fucking sorry.


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I cry for you, Israel.

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