A song you like...

A 30 day challenge, one themed song each day.
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If you wish to listen to the whole song, click the respective link to Spotify on each of the previews below. Thank you for reading, and/or listening! Enjoy.

Day 1
A Song you like... with a color in the title.
(*) Because... Elton.

Day 2
A Song you like... with a number in the title.
(*) Because... It was fucking sick, and it still is. And yes, in fucking German. 

Day 3
A Song that... reminds you of Summertime.
(*) Because... It IS fucking Summertime embodied.

Day 4
Song that... reminds you of someone you'd rather forget.
(*) Because... It does.

Day 5
A Song that... needs to be played loud.
(*) Because... it doesn't fucking work otherwise.

Day 6
A Song that... makes you want to dance.
(*) Because... Kevin Fucking Bacon! That's fucking why.

Day 7
A Song to... drive to.
(*) Because... I did, when it counted. Many, many times.

Day 8
A Song about... drugs or alcohol.
(*) Because... I never found the fucking cure.

Day 9
A Song that... makes you happy.
(*) Because... It just fucking does.

Day 10
A Song that... makes you sad.
(*) Because... It just reminds me of him.

Day 11
A Song you... never get tired of.
(*) Because... I could listen to this forever.

Day 12
A Song from... your preteen years.
(*) Because... I used to wake up my 16 year old cousin jumping on her bed while blasting this 45 rpm. And it was HER record! I just fucking loved it! Yes, I love the song too. It's the fucking Monkeys!

Day 13
A Song you like... from the 70s.
(*) Because... Me, at 9 years old, bobbing my head, headphones on, singing along. This.

Day 14
A Song you'd love... to be played at your wedding.
(*) Because... It is our song. And it will always be ours.

Day 15
A Song you like... that's a cover by another artist.
(*) Because... It's Kate Bush singing Elton John. (And fucking Spotify doesn't have it!)

Day 16
A Song that's... a classic favorite.
(*) Because... It takes me to a happy time, forever gone. And not to play the trilogy is a heresy.

Day 17
A Song you'd... sing a duet with someone on Karaoke.
(*) Because... We really did! And it was GREAT, no matter what they threw at us to make us stop!

Day 18
A Song... from the year you were born.
(*) Because... It was released 9 days after I was born. Single released on December 6, 1963.

Day 19
A Song that... makes you think about life.
(*) Because... Melody does that. Every time.

Day 20
A Song that... has many meanings to you.
(*) Because... No blossom is the same.

Day 21
A Song you like... with a person's name in the title.
(*) Because... Suzanne Vega.

Day 22
A Song that... moves you forward.
(*) Because... It drives me. Has from the moment I first listened to it.

Day 23
A Song you... think everybody should listen to.
(*) Because... It's a fucking American masterpiece.

Day 24
A Song by a band... you wish were still together.
(*) Because... They were amazing. One of the best live concerts ever.

Day 25
A Song you like... by an artist no longer living.
(*) Because... He was a genius, and all of his songs are in the soundtrack of my life.

Day 26
A Song that... makes you want to fall in love.
(*) Because... It did. For the first time. Many years ago. And the Sea... Always the sea.

Day 27
A Song that... breaks your heart.
(*) Because... It still does, only for different reasons.

Day 28
A Song... by an artist whose voice you love.
(*) Because... It was the first on my mind. Of many, many more.

Day 29
A Song you... remember from your childhood.
(*) Because... I fucking love their music, and this was my first Rock vinyl.

Day 30
A Song that... reminds you of yourself.
(*) Because... It's me, Sinéad. Always.


Thank you, Emily Elizabeth. Was a great challenge. (To Emily's Threads) <link
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