
Zionism. A concept developed by men of faith, for other men of faith. No women were involved. So much so that a few Jewish women tried to create their own Zionist movement, so disappointed they were. It was 1911, in Palestine. And those women were socialists. But you didn’t know that, did you.
And you probably don’t know how many times and in how many ways Jews tried to recreate new forms of Zionism, always attempting to wash away what it really is. And that brings us to the well intentioned Theodor Herzl, and his honest desire for an all encompassing Jewish homeland, meant for all. In a way, he designed the beautiful cover of the book of Zionism. But the content was soon changed.
You see, the Orthodox Jews were not aligned with this view of an open arms Yisrael. They were defenders of the faith, and staunch believers in tradition. They were the Cultural Zionists. And they took over the writing of the book for Herzl. But smartly, they left the book cover untouched. Even women of such brilliance like Golda Meir, were swallowed whole by this notion of Culture. And the result was a complete disaster for the region, regardless of the military successes.
So now you have cultural Zionists among us, claiming for the eradication of Palestinian presence in the regions of Gaza, and yes the West Bank. The need to push back, to once and for all finish what was started during the Nakba. One mind’s thoughts might bring back a hateful word that has little to do with Jewish affairs, but illustrates the mentality exhibited by such a strand of Zionism: Lebensraum. The territory a nation believes is needed for its natural development.

Oh, I can just see the cultural Zionists twitching now. The L word was just invoked! How dare I mention a concept attributed to Nazi Germany to the aspirations of the Jewish state! Just hang on to your kippahs (*), it’s not what you think. It’s just a word with a very particular meaning that applies perfectly to the ambitions of the likes of Bibi Netanyahu. And it means push back. Hard. Until there is no more threat. Now comes the definition of threat, for it is not as linear as it seems.
Israel is an inclusive state. For many cultures and many different people who share the desire for peace and a normal life. For all religions, all cultures, all tendencies. From the honest embrace of their LGBTQ+ community to the Bedouin tracker groups and the Desert Recon Battalion in the IDF. Not exactly a cultural Zionist setting, but nevertheless, the reality of today’s Israel. A society vastly different in the ways it sees itself than those embraced in 1948, which led to the Nakba.
History waits for no one, but there are always those longing for the good old days… Make America great again, remember that? Well, for the cultural Zionists, making Israel great again is a REAL thing. And the threat is not just Hamas, or Hezbollah. It’s everyone who endangers the existence of their delusional ethnocentric religious state. And yes, in the long run, that means you too, the reform Jew. The Jew who, according to cultural Zionism, is not a Jew at all. Did you know that?
So beware of those self proclaimed “Jewish Zionist males” jumping on your reply threads, offering “advice” to the “ignorant” reform Jewish women. It’s not advice they are offering, it’s a warning. A warning to tread carefully. YOU are part of the threat. Once they get rid of the Palestinians, once the IDF is purged from its impure units, once lebensraum is achieved, YOU are next. Make Israel great again, indeed.
So no more bulshit about antisemitism being defined as antizionism. There is a swelling wave of true antisemitic sentiment in the world, today. And it forces all Jews to band together to defend their very lives. It draws people like me, not a Jew, to their lines, to hold my shield next to their shields, my sword with their swords. But know this: my sword is here to strike down the hateful enemies of Israel, not the innocent. And the minute I spot a blade from our ranks coming for the ones I love, Jews or not, I will not hesitate of stopping it with my shield, and no matter who wields that sword, I will strike back. Hard.
(*) In the original, the use of a Jewish attire piece in the expression "hang on to your knickers" was "Tefillin", which here was replaced by the more universal, and more obviously tongue in cheek "Kippahs". The Jewish source for this edit shall remain unnamed (but trust me, it's reliable).
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I cry for you, Israel.

Yesterday Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Carmel Gat, Ori Danino, Almog Sarusi and Alexander Lobanov were killed inside a tunnel in R...