Pitty Pat I . Our Government

Now for two decades or more, I have listened to people, complain about the size or nature of the US government. Quite frankly, I am getting a bit sick of it! Whether it is the Liberals saying that we need to do more for this group or that group. Or it is the Conservatives, saying government is too big and we need to stop spending on all the stupid stuff. Both sides are complaining about the wrong thing! For those of you with some common sense, this would probably go without saying, but let me explain it to those that have little or no common sense.

When you start complaining about how much government spending is going on, or how much bureaucracy there is, or whether we should cut some department, or add some new department, remember one thing: we live in a representative democracy! There is a document, that was ratified in 1788, that spells it all out. I'm talking of course, about the United States Constitution. It starts, "We the People…"; if you don't understand that, that means YOU, ME and the guy down the street. WE are the people, that over a 240 year period of time, have chosen the government that exists. There is a way you could change it. It may be a bit hard for you, but it is the first step in a practical solution. How do you do it? Stop blaming the other guys bums. Their bums are just as bad as the bums you vote into office. We need to stop making this a game of us against them! 
One thing I have learned about politicians, no matter what their motives for
getting in the office were, once elected it becomes a matter of how can they gain more power and stay in office longer. We need a paradigm shift.
It's called "vote whatever or whoever you voted for in the last two elections out of
office"! Sure there may be some good politicians with only the country's best interest at heart. I'm not sure you could show me one right now, but I'm sure one is out there. We are never going to have a national term limit for Congress. The men and women we have elected to service in Washington have no interest in amending the constitution to add term limits to it. So it is up to us to start voting them out on a regular basis.

If you look hard and pay attention, you will see that it is the special interests pouring money into the campaign coffers, that are really running our government. Voting the politicians out of office is the way to take the power in Government away from those special interests. More than 60% of voting Americans can actually sit down at a table and have a reasonable conversation about the issues at hand, without name calling or antagonism to opposing views. The two party system is broken! If you really want to send a message to Washington, the only way politicians running for office will hear you, is if you start voting them out of office every election cycle.
By Patrick Graham, for Pitty Pat pages.
See Patrick Graham on Threads following THIS LINK!

I cry for you, Israel.

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