Saturday, April 27, 2024


The horror we face today, as we witness the rise of radical Islam among us, personified by the recent spread of its values disguised as support for the Palestinian people, should come with no surprise. The present rise of antisemitism is but the tip of a spear aimed not at the Jews alone, but at all non Muslim Western people, and their societies. As we fight the blatant antisemitic demonstration around American college campuses, we must not forget it is not only about the Jews. Standing with the people of Israel, be it in their land or where they live around the world, is a way of standing up for ourselves.

But the evident paradox of Western, supposedly civilized, college students clamoring for the murder of Jews around the world, which is what “globalize the intifada” means, and for the genocide of Israelis, which is what “from the river to the sea” means, goes way beyond their brainless cries and suicidal behavior. It extends to our reaction to it.

Radicalism plays different roles that need to be honestly addressed. When confronted by an existential threat, such as the one posed to us by extreme Islamic ideology, we tend to rally behind those who have a platform to speak against it, and this is well known and used, or rather abused, by other extremists, be it in the radical left or the radical right. And the paradox expands fast.

Peaceful defenders of the Palestinian plight watch in disbelief as their cause becomes hostage to those who destroy their chances of living in peace, and who murder them without a second thought. The repression they endure at the hands of fundamentalist regimes is a true manifestation of terror, and is supported by those they expected to stand with them, to help them overcome that very repression.

We watch in disbelief as well, as Hamas is glorified for its terror, praised for committing rape and murder. The same people who a minute ago were on the side of the oppressed Iranian women, murdered for not covering their hair in public, or for just dancing, now rally around their murderers because they shot a few missiles at Israel. And these hypocrites cry when they are eventually punished for their calls for the death of innocents, and hide their faces to try and avoid certain punishment to come to them. They know their positions are criminal, and they stand by them, but without conviction.

I have watched people fight against true fascism, putting their lives on the line, showing their faces, when the penalty for their defiance was not a few bruises or a quick visit to a police station, but life imprisonment or death. That’s courage. These cry babies squeal like stabbed pigs as they are pushed into police vans, and five minutes later they are back in the streets. They started including a non punishment clause in their list of demands, for they are not willing to lose their precious Western education as a result of their protest. How brave of them.

Those manipulating these brainwashed puppets have greater goals, however. They know how appalling these calls for the end of Western civilization look to ordinary people, peace loving people, and they seek to radicalize them too, as a way of destabilizing our society. As we engage the dark forces of totalitarianism, they aim to make otherwise repugnant people acceptable, and amplify their influence and visibility. And it’s working.

As the abomination that grows in our campuses becomes more and more revolting, we find those who just a moment ago were defending democracy, fall in line with the most despicable fascists you can find, and promoting them, praising them, increasing their following and reach, and mistaking the opposition to radical views on the right for antisemitism. That is the most abhorrent paradox, in my view.

Suddenly, because Hamas must be destroyed, there is no more room for despising the actions of radical Jewish settlers. We all see what’s happening in the West Bank, where Bezalel Smotrich and his minions are building their own private state, with no obligations towards the rest of Israel, but wanting her resources so they can thrive. They say it openly in the Knesset: the ultimate goal is the “legal” deportation of all Muslims from the West Bank and Gaza, FIRST, and eventually from all of Israel.

They are doing this on the backs of the hostages' families, and in the wake of the immense pain of October 7, since they know how unpopular it is to criticize them now. Yet the people of Israel are out in the streets, demanding for Netanyahu to resign, for the hostages to be released, and none of them wish for Hamas to survive, but they are being portrayed was weak and unrealistic, as if there is only one way to wage war on Hamas, and feeling the pain of the Palestinians who are forced to endure its terror is unacceptable.

We must stand against radical Islam and antisemitism, just as we should have with Nazism, before it was too late. The signs are clear; first the Jews, then all those who "oppose Islam”. You can deny this reality at your own peril, just as the idiots who parrot Arabic chants of death in our campuses, oblivious to the fact they are calling for their own death. We must fight this death cult before it spreads, but we must do it with our eyes open.

It’s not just the Iranian fundamentalist regime, funding Hamas and its terror, who wish to put down everyone who stands for freedom, starting with women. The Christian Fascists have the exact same goals. To the last detail. And that includes not just the oppression of women, but also of those insufferable Jews who "killed Jesus". Don’t think for a minute they forgave "them Jews" for that. So next time you like, repost, or follow one of these Nazis because they seem to say nice things about you, try to remember who they really are.

The paradox is complex, and hard to resist, on both sides, as otherwise reasonable people fall prey to the appealing ways of genocidal maniacs of all stripes, from Islamic Fascists to Christian Nazis. They seem to really care for the survival of either Palestinians or Jews, but they don’t. They only care about one thing: Power. They will say and do anything to make you like them and help them get to where they need to be. And once they get there, they will turn on you so fast you won’t believe you were that stupid.

These idiotic pricks in our campuses would be immediately slaughtered once those they now praise and support manage to achieve power. So what do you you think will happen to you, once you carry the Nazi opportunistic ghouls to their finish line? You think they will reward you for it? You think once you vote for Republicans because “Biden is not helping the Jews”, or stay home depressed and allow them to win the election, they will stop killing women, preferring guns to children, or destroying our democracy?

This is the paradox we live in. Both the radical left and the radical right are playing people for fools with the goal of destroying democracy, not just in Israel, but everywhere in the West. It’s a race to the end of freedom and secular Western values. A free fall into the depths of obscurantism and totalitarianism. Are you going to help them, or will you open your eyes and see the truth? Time is running out for us.

Be merciless in the defense of our values. Stand tall with our Jewish brothers and sisters, for their right to exist and thrive is the same as yours, and it’s ultimately yourself you are standing up for. But remember to find balance in doing these things, and do not allow any form of radicalism to seduce you. You shouldn’t fight alone for a better tomorrow for everyone, but choose your company carefully or you will regret it.

And don’t worry if some of your “friends” decide you are not welcome anymore. They are not your friends. Just as those foreign terrorists seducing college kids are not their friends. Not at all. They will kill them all, as soon as they get what they want. What do you think our “friends” on the radical right will do to us, once they get what they want?

Eyes open. Hearts open. No fear. I know it’s not easy, but we can do this. We can break free from the paradox. We have to, if we want to not just survive, but live a life worth living.


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I cry for you, Israel.

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