Sunday, May 5, 2024


If you still had ANY doubts about the pro-Hamas protests in our campuses they are over now. SJP tells UC Santa Cruz, CA, to ban Hillel from campus. And if you had ANY doubts the IDF needs to go into Rafah they are over now too. Rockets from Rafah have been fired at Kerem Crossing, one of the humanitarian aid entry points to Gaza.
Fucking walk with me.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is a shell organization for Within Our Lifetime (WOL), the terrorist group led by 29 yo Nerdeen Kiswani, funded by at least one foreign organization that Germany and Israel have banned for allegedly working with or supporting Hamas, along with left wing American “philanthropists”, who profit one way or another from the chaos these groups were created to wreak on American society. SJP has been training radicalized students for months now.
They were never very clever about concealing their goals, but the crescendo did kind of work, starting with an “anti-war”, “ceasefire now” more consensual position, pretty trendy on College campuses, but quickly escalating to calls for the destruction of Israel as a nation. And that was the point, very soon after the protests started, at which the supposed “team Palestine” became “team Hamas”, and the protests turned from pro-Palestine to anti-Israel, from ceasefire to bomb Tel Aviv.
All nuance is gone, especially now that SJP is not trying to hide its ugly antisemitic head anymore. By including a ban on Hillel in their list of demands at California’s Santa Cruz University, which will no doubt be mirrored around the country in other universities, the students involved proved they are really protesting all things Jewish, and all Jews, declaring the real objective has always been Judenrein: the exclusion of Jewish people from society.

I keep reminding (or telling those who missed it) I was once president of my college Student Association, involved in similar protests, with police at the gates. Just like those who still try to be compassionate about these students and defend their right to free speech, I am 100% against outside police on campus, or even campus police interference, much less that of the National Guard. But this is not Kent State. Far from it. This is a trap laid out by a terrorist organization (WOL).

The vast majority of the students protesting fell for this trap. And now they are stuck. But are they? Can we really believe that the minute the chants went from “Free Palestine” to “Global Intifada”, and the slogans like “Defund, Divest” turned to “Gas the Jews”, they didn’t realized they had been tricked into defending Hamas? Can we really justify their cries of “Liars!” when confronted with real footage from October 7? Really? No. We cannot.

It’s all out in the open. It has been for quite some time. They became what they despise. I am 100% sure every single one of these students are against Nazism. No doubt. But they allowed the horse shoe to close, and now they are on the same side of those carrying torches in the night, chanting “Jews will not replace us.” It’s a textbook chaos agent play. But there’s no more hiding this. The evidence is overwhelming. Yet they persist. The madness expands.

Couple of days back I posted a video of little children in line, walking to school, chanting “Free Palestine”. They couldn’t be more than 5 or 6 years old. The fears of Nazi indoctrination at our schools have now a new form: a pure antisemitic form. How long before they start teaching children to tell on their parents for being “subversive”? How long before they start teaching them a good Jew is a dead Jew? You think I am kidding? I am not.
People affiliated with Jewish Voices for Peace are already claiming 5 year olds must be allowed to “speak their minds” and defend their right to fight for Palestine. FIVE YEAR OLDS. This is how it starts. We have already seen people with children at protests “for Palestine”. Pretty soon they will replace the open umbrellas with toddlers, to prevent police intervention. You watch. It won’t take long. You know why? Because once the mask is ripped from their faces, it’s over.

This is our fork on the road. This is when they start losing big time, and we see them for what they really are, and most of us go “fuck that!” This is when they are simultaneously more vulnerable and more dangerous. They got nowhere to run. So radicalization will grow exponentially, and so will their methods. It may take a month or a year or two, but make no mistake: if we don’t shut them down now we will start seeing some of these fucks in explosive vests, “inch’Allah”.

Watch carefully. At the same time they demand the ban of Hillel, the world’s largest, most inclusive Jewish campus organization, serving more than 140,000 students each year at 850 colleges and universities around the world, a mostly secular organization, they form rows and rows of people praying to Allah in the occupied campuses. No worries, right? This is perfectly fine: secular Jewish resources bad, religious Arab expansion good. What could possibly go wrong.
These protestors don’t want free speech protections, they want protection from spewing hate speech outside of controlled environments, where they can play the victim card when they break the law, something they can’t get away with in the outside world, in the streets where free speech, civil disobedience and protest belong, with all the consequences that come with it. They are nothing but cowards, afraid to show their faces, unwilling to take responsibility for their actions.

You need proof? Look no further than Princeton University. Their version of “occupy for Palestine” started, tents and all, list of demands, the works.
The university took one look at it and the response was swift: anyone willing to go along with that protest would be expelled at the end of day. The students shut themselves down five minutes later. Done. Zero conviction. Zero courage. Zero reason. If every college acted like that, this would not be a problem.
Princeton fucking rocks.

And spare me the fucking free speech spiel. None of those students are prohibited from taking to the streets and protest for whatever the fuck they want, from ceasefire now to banana free snacks. No one is curtailing their free speech. They just don’t want it, unless they get away with murder.
Fuck them. They are absolutely free to buy a couple gallons of gas and set themselves on fire. That’s exactly what they are doing, anyway, fighting for a global intifada, which would inevitably end them.

There is no question that a lot needs to change, that we need to build bridges between those who truly advocate for Justice for Israel and for Palestine. Hard choices need to be made on both sides if we are to reach common ground and move forward constructively. But DO NOT waste time trying to establish a dialogue with a hooded ghoul shouting “Death to Israel” at you. Fascism is not to be debated, it’s to be crushed. The same applies to antisemitism. Period.

Then there’s Rafah. And the hostages.
And fucking Netanyahu. One, two, three.
One: Rafah needs to fall. Hamas must be completely thrown out of the Gaza Strip. No question. Will the war against their terror be won? Nope. But the battle of Gaza can end in victory. That’s a huge improvement, for peace loving Israelis and Palestinians. Never forget peace sometimes comes in the wake of war. There’s no denying this.

Two: The hostage situation is more and more desperate. I don’t know what Hamas has decided on this last negotiation, in Egypt. Israel already declared via private channels the Hamas delusions of being allowed to rebuild their forces in the Strip will NOT be tolerated. They are all but defeated and are desperately trying to find a way out. Not gonna happen. And this is probably the last time a negotiated return of any hostages is possible. God help us all…

Three: Fucking Netanyahu needs to go. Now. The people of Israel is in the streets, demanding new elections and his accountability for the shitshow the response to the hostage crisis and the current war strategy has become. But do not think for a minute that if the most liberal Israeli government were to be elected tomorrow it would allow Hamas to remain in the Gaza Strip. That simply cannot happen, after October 7. It’s the HOW to do it that needs to change, but not just that.

There is a number four. The West Bank.
I wrote about this before. While all eyes are on Gaza, the Bezalel Smotrich inspired settlers are going out of control, clashing with IDF troops as they try to restore order. Why do you think Smotrich wants the IDF out of the West Bank and the establishment of his own religious radical militia in its stead? This is what most Israelis do not want. It’s a recipe for disaster and it only complicates the situation in Gaza. So there’s that.

Wake the fuck up, everyone. This is not easy, and it’s not as black and white as some would want you to believe, EXCEPT when it comes to pro-Hamas demonstrations. ANYONE defending Hamas, the exclusion of Jews from any part of our society, and the destruction of Israel is not anti-war, it’s antisemite. No discussion there. Be it on campus or in the street, pro-Hamas protests need to be crushed and their instigators punished as hard as possible. Enough!

Yom HaShoah starts today, at dusk.
Never forget the Holocaust. Never forget how it came to be. And never forget the millions who died alongside the Jews, whether in camps or as victims of the war Nazi Germany provoked. This isn’t just about the Jews, but today, as the sun goes down, remember their fallen. And stand up not just for them, but WITH them. It’s also for yourselves you are standing up for.

Shavua tov.
Am Yisrael Chai.


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