Saturday, August 24, 2024

For the People.

Kamala Harris for the people.
The DNC 2024 is complete. Four flawless days of complete joy celebrating the promise of America that we each hold in our hearts. Yesterday was day four and it was the perfect ending for this celebration of who we are and who we want to be. The endgame day. It did not disappoint.

There was this expectation that on the last day the ball would be knocked out of the park and I caught myself waiting for it right at the first pitch. It was taking forever! Where are the Chicks? Is BeyoncĂ© coming? Who’s next? And then it hit me. It’s a long game. There are no miracles, no easy plays, no instant gratification. In the celebration of us the three previous days turned into a party made of unforgettable moments day four was like the final chapter we didn’t want to end.

The guest speakers were perhaps not as impressive as some in the previous days, although the crowd made some stand up as favorites, like Elizabeth Warren or Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly, always deserving of standing ovations and love. Special moments kept happening before our eyes in quick succession and there was something going on that slowly sank in. Along with the joy we feel we were being reminded of something.

Through the evening we watched ourselves on stage in the shoes of those less fortunate than ourselves who suffered and still suffer many of the circumstances we need to change. We were reminded of why change is so desperately needed. In the victims of abuse, of gun violence, of discrimination, all fiercely advocating for themselves and for us; showing determination and courage and, most of all, a way forward.

At the same time we felt their pain we felt their hope; their examples were stark reminders of what it is we’re fighting for. Yet even in their pain there was tremendous hope and staunch determination. And every time joy would surface. There was no Project 2025 book on stage. We were being reminded how bad things are even now, before its implementation. We’re fighting for the future much more than against the past. A past that did not start in 2016.

Every single thing that happened before VP Kamala Harris, our next President, set foot on that stage reminded us why we need a new way forward. That’s what happened last night. Many have their own views of who was the surprise guest that wasn’t announced; my view is the surprise guest was patriotism. It’s a feeling that has been growing in our souls for some time and one Kamala Harris made bloom. And like magic, at a packed DNC, this sea of flags appeared.

It was last evening’s surprise. Thousands of American flags waving with joy and hope and pride. The pride of being American. It wasn’t just another brilliant poke at the Christian white nationalists who had stolen the flag from us or at the repugnant turd that desecrates it every time he touches it. It was the reclaiming of our country and the one thing above all our flag stands for: Freedom. And it was a thing of beauty.

There was no need for special guests or surprise personalities. We were driving down the field not just to score a field goal at the end of the fourth. We were on our way for a touchdown. (See what I did there? The for… never mind.) When I realized that was what was happening my heart swelled again in anticipation of that play. It would be the ending of a perfect game that wouldn’t give us the trophy but open endless possibilities for tomorrow and all the hard games ahead.

And then, almost quietly at first, as if reassuring us that we really don’t need BeyoncĂ©, the future 47th President of the United States appeared. And it was insane! The sheer joy we felt for those endless minutes and minutes of applause and cheering that seemed to echo across America as Kamala stepped up to the lectern calm and resolute will remain within us forever. It was time. This is what we’d been waiting for from day one. It reminded me of a simple thing.

I am a romantic fool and I will die one. What came to my mind was three words written on a paper napkin in a fantasy turned real: Bartlet for America. The America I love and learned to love more watching the West Wing. An ideal America I always knew was here but had only come close to in a screenplay. No more. It was right there. Not on the stage but all around it and beyond it, from sea to shining sea. America, sweet America, you know, God done shed his grace on thee.

It was real. Kamala Harris for the people. Not a minute spent on herself but lifting us up and filling our hearts as she’s always done. Five words maybe written on a paper napkin, somewhere, long ago, reaching the highest place on Earth. For America. For the people. I believe many who were still hesitant made up their minds last night. Not just because this woman made them believe in her but because she made them believe in themselves.

Kamala Harris accepted her nomination as the Democratic Party candidate for President of the United States with these words:
“On behalf of Americans like the people I grew up with; people who work hard, chase their dreams and look out for one another. On behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on Earth; I accept your nomination for President of the United States of America.”
On behalf of all of us. For the people.

It is said this was one of the shortest acceptance speeches in US history. It was also, perhaps, the clearest, most sincere and heartfelt one. I can’t help but smile and paraphrase Stefon: this speech has everything! It had humility and pride, compassion and strength, love and fortitude, promise and commitment, hope and realization, dreams and opportunity, and complexity turned into clarity. We watched the personification of true power. Selfless power. Power of the people.

I felt like, for the first time in my life, the glory of days past was restored not in a person or a single action but in a promise. The promise that not only government but a nation of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth. Kamala Harris delivered a pitch perfect speech at the very end of a pitch perfect convention and, once again, proved to ALL, at home and abroad, she is ready. Her clarity is her strength.

For decades democratic politicians have been accused, rightly or wrongly, of being elitist and talking down to people with long words and exhaustive concepts needing a protocol droid to decipher. Not anymore. Kamala Harris has the gift of clarity. As Lawrence O’Donnell would say, every time she says “let me be clear” she goes on to do just that: she is clear. Even a five year old understands exactly what she is saying. In today’s America that is a superpower.

The 2024 DNC ended with a touchdown but there was no spiking no ball. We need to put our heads down and get our game face back on. There’s a lot of work ahead until Nov 5. We got game and a dream team but none of that matters if we drop the ball. Don’t you dare drop it. Don’t you dare give it away. Don’t you dare doubting. Don’t you dare missing this opportunity. It comes once in a lifetime but as the Coach said: we got the ball. Let’s go win this thing!

We’re not going back!

DNC 2024 Series:
Posted on Threads the day after. Hit links to go to blogpost.

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